FAQ - Indoor Sauna Edition
You ask, we answer!
Indoor sauna FAQs
Q: How much clearance do I need overhead to build the sauna? My room is barely bigger than the height of the sauna!
A: First of all, almost anything is possible. You may have to do some drilling into the roof from inside the room versus going from the top down. You may also have to pre-build the roof guards before adding them to the sauna. Though it can be done with slimmer margins, the most ideal amount of space to work with is at least 12″ above the sauna when you go to build it. If you aren’t sure about your space, give us a call and we can talk through your specific scenario!
Q: How much room should be between the sauna and any existing walls?
A: We recommend a minimum of 2” between the sauna and any walls, especially where vents are located.
Q: Do I need to vent my sauna?
A: You can read an in-depth response to this question here, but for the sake of an easy answer: yes, and the sauna includes vents! This means you do not need any additional ventilation added to the sauna. Remember the 2” clearance we talked about? This is why!
Q: Does my sauna need to be further away from the wall if it is drywall or concrete?
A: Nope! The 2” clearance rule of thumb stands for any material!
Q: Should I be concerned about moisture on the exterior of my sauna? Will my walls and floor be damaged by steam?
A: There is no need to worry! If you decide to take a wet sauna (sprinkling water on the hot sauna stones), you don’t need to think twice about the surrounding space. The sauna is not a steam room, and the dry heat helps quickly dissipate the steam. It does not take much water to add that refreshing burst of humidity in the sauna room!
Q: I read that indoor saunas do not have a floor. I am concerned that my sauna will not heat up well because of this! What should I do?
A: It is standard for traditional saunas to use your existing floor. We have recommendations for the best material to place underneath the sauna. The biggest thing to keep in mind: don’t place the sauna on carpet. Also, there is no need to worry about the lack of a built-in floor hindering the heat in your sauna. The heat will naturally rise to the top, so the floor will always be cooler than the rest of the room. If you are curious about increasing the sauna temperature, check out our blog with tips to achieve soaring numbers!
NOTE: Please follow flooring manufacturers regulations.
We hope your questions were answered with these brief indoor sauna FAQs! Before you build your sauna, we also recommend you check out our wide array of assembly videos and read the manual ahead of time before you begin the project. And most of all, have fun with this process! We cannot wait to see how you transform your home into a relaxing escape.